BLW Meal Ideas and Recipe for Apple and Pear Sauce

I know I’ve only been posting recipes until now but I’ve always talked a bit about my life. I’d like to start writing more about things that may be of interest to my followers and are certainly of interest to me.  Which brings me to Baby Led Weaning.

If you are reading this you are probably new to Baby Led Weaning, also known as BLW.  Baby led weaning is defined as when a “Child self-feeds bits of ‘cutted up’ food from 6 months, as per the World Health Organisation guidelines,” as defined by  I stongly encourage you to go to their website to learn more about BLW if this post is of any interest to you. Basically you allow children to feed themselves (from 6 months old) and you offer them a whole variety of foods and not just jarred baby food.  This is a growing movement in the US and UK even though it is considered quite drastic by some.  But before companies made beautifully convenient jars and pounches of food what do people think babies were eating?!  I personally believe this is a healthier and more natural approach for my family.  We also use pureed baby food along with a wealth of other foods from chicken to avocado to sweet potatoes.  This is why I chose to follow the BLW method… Continue reading