Creamed Spinach

My husband and I met online via a social network site by chance and after two months of chatting he came to visit me in the States.  During that trip we spent 3 amazing days in New York City falling in love with each other.

Recently we went back to New York City for another little visit.  A bartender at our hotel recommended we try Michael Jordan’s Steakhouse in Grand Central Station.  I was excited to visit Grand Central but I was not overjoyed at the sounds of a sports star’s steakhouse.  I was so very wrong to be concerned.

The restaurant sits up on a balcony overlooking the center of the station with a beautiful view of the constellation ceiling.  We both ordered steak and I ordered creamed spinach as my side. Each side dish is enough for at least two people.  The spinach was so incredible that it the star of the meal, which was no mean feat considering the steak was delicious.  When you coupled the spinach with a bite of steak it was almost like an amazing Bearnaise sauce.

Luckily for me, and you now, the chef posted the recipe in Food and Wine magazine and I was able to find it online.
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Tastiest Ever Mac n Cheese

I often do the cooking in my house just because I love it so much but when my husband cooks it is always delicious.  His best dish by far is his macaroni and cheese dish that his mum and dad used to make when he was a child.  It is comforting, filling and ridiculously tasty.

The key to this recipe is that you need to be able to multi-task.  At one time you could be cooking three things on the stovetop.

This is a great meal to serve with a light green such as asparagus or peas or a small rocket (arugula) salad.
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First, I want to apologize for the few weeks the blog was not updated.  But I’ve got some great recipes for you!  Today, we dine on meatballs!

These are great served with spaghetti or in a hot crusty baguette.  This recipe makes enough for 5 people comfortably, usually I am only ever cooking for 2 so this recipe makes plenty of leftovers.

Nothing is worse than a tough meatball but this recipe promises to be moist and flavorful.
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